Do you have an interesting article to share? Or an opinion, one that you hope to see thrive? Or maybe you have a work that addresses the happenings in our society at large?— We are glad to have you share them with us.


In furtherance of the mission geared towards the exceptionality of legal knowledge, its expression and understanding, Olakunle Orojo Chamber, AAUA is accepting articles, opinions and commentaries that focus on the salient issues of law. 

Submission Guidelines


  1. Submit only one article per submission.
  2. It must be more than 1,000 word count
  3. Attach the profile picture of the author for proper reference. 
  4. Include a short bio. You can also include your social media account.
  5. The topic can address any area of law. However, much preference will be accorded to those on entertainment law and intellectual property law { copyright, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, geographical indication}.

Opinions and Commentaries

We accept any works that shares interesting and diverse opinion and commentaries on the happenings in the society and within the legal frame.

This can address the enactment of new law and its effectiveness or efficiency as regards its focus. It could address law cultures, histories or anything that comes within the purview of the law in general.

Anything you feel is worthy of being addressed. They are all welcomed. 

  • Opinions or Commentaries must be more than 500 words.
  • It must be free of vulgar languages or offensive words.


After submitting an article, opinion or comment, you're to wait for a week or less to get your response.

However, if you didn't see any message regarding this, you can use our contact form. 

Our contact form is cited below the blog page.

Pay: We are unable to pay our contributor's as at now.